Chopper V1. Motorbike 3D Puzzle
Chopper V1. Motorbike 3D Puzzle
Rev up your model building skills with Chopper V1 Motorbike 3D Puzzle from Viter Models.
Bringing together the precision of plywood and plastic materials, it's the perfect balance of size and functionality. This compact puzzle piece allows you to assemble a state-of-the-art mini motorbike that not only looks good, but performs great!
Enjoy the flexibility of design, elegant details and an operating mechanism driven by a powerful metal spring for an experience like no other.
The kit includes handlebar and front wheel pieces, multi-cylinder motor and foot peg for total durability. Get revved up and discover just how much fun you can have playing with Chopper V1!
- Spring drive power.
- Handlebar and front wheel.
- Multi-cylinder motor
- Footpeg.
- Glue-free assembling
- Parts quantity: 211
- Scale: 1:18
- Model dimensions: 140*62*41 мм
- Package dimensions: 250*140*30 мм
- You assemble the model following the guidelines
- 5 meters at full charge
- 14+
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Glue-free assembling
Parts quantity: 211
Scale: 1:18
Model dimensions: 140*62*41 мм
Package dimensions: 250*140*30 мм
You assemble the model following the guidelines
5 meters at full charge
Wood, plastic
Shipping & Returns
Shipping & Returns
The model dimensions: 164 * 80 * 55 mm.
Package dimensions: 250*140*30 mm.
Assembling in line with the guidelines.
Glue-free assembling.
Advantages Chopper-V1
Each and every our puzzle is unique in some way.
This section will introduce some details regarding model functional peculiarities. "Chopper-V1."
Spring drive power
Chopper-V1 is
proudly known as the fastest model of the entire line. The bike comes with the
same spring as Racer-v3.
However, the bike's lightweight allows it to rush away as a reckless one.
Multi-cylinder motor
As long as the drive operates, the four cylinders move in time. Owing to
wood-and-plastic hybrid technology, it became possible to create an imitation
of a real motor for such a compact model.
A feature we are proud of! The assembled motorbike does max 5 meters at full
charge! The drive launching is performed with a special clutch lever.
Handlebar and front wheel
In our model, the handlebar is not just a decor detail; it is connected to the front wheels.
You can control them by the handlebar using, thus guiding the model.
Feel like a real biker.
Foot peg.
Just like any other harsh bike, there is a special footpeg to secure
parking and magnificent camera angles) on your shelf.
Model dimensions: 140*62*41 mm
Package dimensions: 250*140*30 mm
All Parameters
Glue-free assembling
Parts quantity: 211
Scale: 1:18
Model dimensions: 140*62*41 мм
Package dimensions: 250*140*30 мм
You assemble the model following the guidelines
5 meters at full charge
Spring drive power.
Handlebar and front wheel.
Multi-cylinder motor
A tool for pressing the parts out of the plates.
Tongs for very small parts.
Rubber pads for the wheels.