Fidgets 1. Miniature models
Fidgets 1. Miniature models
Are you always short of time, but would you like sometimes to do something fun and interesting, something with your own hands? Fidgets from Veter Models Company will help you with this. It is a simple, non-binding reference to the basic models. Easy to assemble – they will stay with you in memory of our company in the form of a keychain!
Fidgets are mechanical key chains with an original concept. There are three different mechanisms, which you assemble by yourself. They are like our models, but in miniature and much simpler. You can carry them with you, and they can calm your nerves.
Fidgets are our new product, mini-constructors for fine motor skills development or stress relief. The set includes 3 pieces: a bike, an aircraft and a planetary system. All models have functioning mechanisms that work well and look good. Bike and Planetary system are key chains that are always with you.
They look good in their miniature and always help to relieve stress. Turning one gear, you will see how all the rest are set in motion one after another under the transparent plastic. We are sure; the aircraft will fit into your interior for 100%. It is voluminous and has movable gears.
Fidgets are made of high quality materials (wood and plastic).
- Estimated assembly time - 15 minutes
- Number of parts: 50
- Glue-free assembling.
- Materials: plastic, plywood
- Size: 32*37*7 mm, 60*30*7 mm, 72*90*25 mm
- Age 14+
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Wood, plastic
Shipping & Returns
Shipping & Returns
Models dimensions 32*37*7 mm, 60*30*7 mm, 72*90*25 mm.
Package dimensions: 120*75*8 mm.
Assembly time: 15 minutes.
Assembling in line with the guidelines.
More about recruitment
Are you
always short of time, but would you like sometimes to do something fun and interesting, something with your own hands? Fidgets from Veter Models Company will help you with this.
It is an simple, non-binding reference to the basic models, also easy to assemble – they will stay with you in memory of our company in the form of a keychain!
Planetary system
Gears that move interconnectedly (in all three models)
Planetary system
This fidget is always with you. You can hang it on your keys or backpack.
Bike is a cool mechanism of interconnected gears that are perfectly visible thanks to the transparent plastic case.
The largest model in the set, it looks good and has functioning gears that move smoothly.
Component parts
What you get, ordering a constructor
In the box, you will have:
Parts for assembly
Wax (for lubrication of moving parts)
Tool for extruding parts from the plates
Chain for hanging the keychain
Models dimensions: 32*37*7 mm; 60*30*7 mm; 72*90*25 mm.
Package dimensions: 120*75*8 mm.
All data on FIDGETS-1 models
All Parameters
Fidgets are made of high quality materials (wood and plastic).
Estimated assembly time - 15 minutes
Number of parts: 50
Glue-free assembling.
Materials: plastic, plywood
Size: 32*37*7 mm, 60*30*7 mm, 72*90*25 mm
Age 14+
Working units
Gears that move interconnectedly (in all three models)
Compact, simple constructors with working mechanisms. They are the best choice for being familiar with our models.
Parts for assembly (plastic and wood)
Wax (for lubrication of moving parts)
Tool for extruding parts from the plates
Chain for hanging the keychain
Technical characteristics of the set
Fidgets are made of high quality materials (wood and plastic).
Estimated assembly time - 15 minutes
Number of parts: 50
Glue-free assembling.
Materials: plastic, plywood
Size: 32*37*7 mm, 60*30*7 mm, 72*90*25 mm
Age 14+